Monday, May 10, 2010

May Term

What an exciting time at S-O High School...May Term is going strong and our students are making a lot of great connections to their classroom learning. I am curious if you have a favorite May Term class or if you have a positive May Term learning experience that you would like to share (that you experienced or your child(ren) experienced).

Hit the comments button below and share what you like about May Term.

Thanks and have a great week,

Supt Herzberg

Saturday, May 1, 2010

2 Million Minutes...

Wow! I am very impressed that about 15 people, including students, parents, and community members, just spent an hour at the Max Theater in Sibley (by the way, thank you Pedleys for making this happen for FREE) watching this important documentary.

There is another showing on Monday, May 3 at 5:30 p.m. so if you couldn't make it today, please come on Monday and check it will be amazed by the information.

I'd love to have anyone who watched 2 Million Minutes make comment here about what you thought. What are your impressions about the education that students receive in the U.S., China and India? Hit the comments button below and weigh in on this important topic.


Superintendent Herzberg