Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What do you think?


  1. Mr. Herzberg, thank you for creating this blog!

    I very much appreciate your forward thinking. This is clearly evident in recognizing the need to meet with other districts to discuss the challenges which confront our classrooms.

    The video summarizes the dilemma which our society, in general, and classrooms, in particular, face today.

    Thank you for providing this platform in which we can have this discussion. I look forward to being a contributor and active participant.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. To the readers and visitors of this blog, be advised this video was posted on the Sibley Chess Club website, with a brief introduction and an invitation for comments. I will also make a similar post on the Iowa State Chess Association site.

    Thomas L. Friedman's op-ed piece, referenced by Mr. Herzberg in an earlier post (and relevant to our discussion), can also be found at our website - A Word From the Wise.

  4. Mr. McLeod made a comment at the end that really struck me...he said "How brave are we going to be?" For me personally (and I am guessing many others) - to consider this new global landscape where jobs are moving/shifting/radically changing...it is daunting. It isn't that I can't read about these changes in the newspaper or online...I can. It isn't that I can't look down the streets of our own town - and see changes...I can. It is more the fact that I need to internalize these facts - believe them...our world is changing...and at an astounding pace. These changes aren't a "phase"..the ways of yesterday - wont be coming back. I think I personally, and we as a people, as a nation, really need to stiffen our spine - lift our heads up - and be brave...step into the unknown. Go forward. Be ready - and MOST IMPORTANTLY - have our children ready for this world of tomorrow (which is quickly becoming...today).
